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Today WILL be a GOOD Day!

Tuesday November 6, 2017

For my birthday a few days ago my best friend gave me a jar of what she labeled 'Smiles, Quotes and Inspiration' so I thought I would take what I pulled from there to write today. The rules of the jar are simple, take one per day if needed but if it is a good day and you don't need a pick me up then save it for another day. The past few days have been okay and I have only pulled two notes and below is what they had to say:

"Since a smile is a decision, why not make the choice?"

"Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it's the little voice at the end of he day that says 'I'll try again tomorrow." **EDIT: Mary Anne Radmacher is the author of this quote!***

I don't know where they originated but I needed both of these statements. My goal for this month and the foreseeable future is to find the silver lining. No matter the situation I am trying to find the good and focus on that instead of dragging myself down with the bad. This connects the first note to my life so perfectly at this point. There are times I really just don't want to smile, times I want to wallow in self pity and complain about how stressful my job is and how stressful school is and how high the expectations seem to be from the people in my personal life as well, but instead I have to choose to smile. To find the blessings in these moments. To realize that having a job is a blessing, having the ability to go to college (and be almost finished) is a blessing, and having people in my life that care about me and just want me to be the best person I can possibly be is a blessing. I have to make that choice to smile and to find the good in these situations and I am the only one who can make that decision... so why not choose the high road...?

As for the other quote, yesterday was one of those days where nothing seemed to go as planned, but I had already decided when I woke up that it was going to be a good day. It wasn't long after I got up that the first wave of challenges hit, but through it all I kept reminding myself to find the blessings, to look at the positive and to find the silver lining. I will say it was a challenge, more than once I found myself dwelling on the negative, but I quickly adjusted my focus and tell myself that it is still a good day regardless! Yet when the end of the day came and I was ready to call it quits, those words 'I'll try again tomorrow' rang out in my head. Why... because if I am blessed with another day tomorrow, it too will be a good day. Curve balls may be thrown and I might even strike out but that doesn't mean that I will lose the game. My goal will not change and I will find the silver lining and make the most of whatever situation is thrown at me. So even if at the end of the day I sigh from exhaustion and tell myself that 'I'll try again tomorrow' I will know that the day was well spent and I made the most of my blessing of life.

So what about you? Do you have the courage to make a pact with yourself to find the silver lining and adjust your focus to find the positive instead of the negative. Will you make the choice to smile? If so I know your day will be much better spent and if you find yourself failing here and there, don't forget... if your are blessed with tomorrow just try again and keep trying every single day!


  1. I love the gift that was shared with you on your birthday and also how you are putting it to use.

  2. What a thoughtful gift! I love the glass half full, silver lining intention! I wonder if you might add other affirmations to the jar when you stumble upon other words of wisdom. That way it will never empty!

  3. I love the gift you got! What a great pick me up and reminder when you are needing something positive.

  4. That is such a thoughtful gift. This is such a good idea and something that definitely can help you stay positive.!


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