September 26, 2017 Drought. We are typically in a drought. Burn bans and water conservation are not foreign to my little corner of the world. I know that around the world there are areas that have much worse conditions. Places that deal with bigger problems and who would consider the amount of rain we get as a blessing regardless, for us rain is not as common as we would always like it to be. Today it rained. There were short periods of down pour that you couldn't see through and longer sections of light drizzle. As I sat in class and noticed the drops hit the window I thought about our typical first reaction to the rain. Many will tell you they love the rain, typically because of the calming sound of the drops falling on the roof, ground or whatever it lands on, yet when they go outside they bundle up and hide from it. Rain jackets, rain boots, hats, umbrellas, waterproof this, that and the other, the list goes on. There are many reasons for this and typically I will shield my...